Sharing Stories
Sharing Stories
Survivors and other war veterans are often reluctant to share their memories of conflict with others. There can be a feeling that warfare can be so different to normal life that people won't understand. But given a few pints of ale, most will swap a story or two with their old comrades.
My worst moment
The worst moment I (Conveyor's MO) had was being interviewed by Anne Diamond on live TV, some eight years after the Falklands War, about an entirely different subject altogether when she sprang a question (fed to her by researchers) about what I went back to fetch on Conveyor. I hadn't a clue what she meant - Was it the crew member I'd tried to save, or was it the life boat I failed to launch?... No, apparently it was to get my stethoscope! A completely worthless fabrication.
When trying to piece together Conveyor's story, I realised that in the absence of fact, commentators and historians had often made do with hearsay. And that the way to get a real handle on the history was to sift through the accounts of those who took part.
Sharing stories can help out any old demons, so please feel free to contact this site and share any story (of any type) you have relating to Conveyor with the public or in private with other comrades. I'll be posting my account shortly...